cloud chamber

美 [klaʊd ˈtʃeɪmbər]英 [klaʊd ˈtʃeɪmbə(r)]
  • 云室
cloud chambercloud chamber


apparatus that detects the path of high-energy particles passing through a supersaturated vapor;each particle ionizes molecules along its path and small droplets condense on them to produce a visible track
Synonym: Wilson cloud chamber


  1. Test on the Ice Nucleation of Liquid Nitrogen in a Small Cloud Chamber


  2. Observation of Ice Nuclei Concentration Using Mixing Cloud Chamber and Static Diffusion Chamber in Beijing


  3. The momentum selector of big cloud chamber set


  4. A 2m ~ 3 isothermal cloud chamber for the study of artificial ice nuclei


  5. It was an adaptation of Wilson 's cloud chamber , filled with nitrogen gas .


  6. The production and the nuclear capture of a K-MESON observed in a cloud chamber


  7. Invention of the cloud chamber by Wilson and its improvement by P.Q.Ho


  8. The ice nuclei concentrations were observed using a Bigg type mixing cloud chamber in the spring seasons of 1995 and 1996 at Beijing .


  9. A 2 m3 isothermal cloud chamber mainly for ice nucleation research is described in this paper . Its structure , attached instruments , and experimental procedures are also presented .


  10. The main evidence for the validity of nucleation theory rests on its ability to predict closely the critical supersaturation for most liquids in cloud chamber experiments .


  11. A cloud chamber experiment is described , in which the angular distribution of secondary particles produced in nuclear interaction by high energy cosmic ray particles with paraffin has been studied .


  12. The average and most probable energy losses of 0.3-1.0 Mev electrons passing through Be , C and Al foil are measured by using Wilson cloud chamber filled with hydrogen .


  13. Small mixing cloud chamber with liters cubage has been used in the observation of the nature ice nuclei and the detection of the nucleating effectiveness of artificial ice nuclei .


  14. Nuclear interactions induced by cosmic ray high energy particles have been studied by means of a multiplate cloud chamber at 3185 meters above sea level with liquid scintillator as target material .


  15. We describe in this paper an experiment using a cloud chamber in a magnetic field of 6200 gauss to determine the average total cross-section of the direct production of electron pairs in aluminium by high energy electrons generated in cascade showers and having energies larger than 30 Mev .


  16. These might be anything from a field biologist 's notes of lemming populations on Spitzbergen to a physicist 's creation of muon tracks in a cloud chamber , or from a set of equations in the mathematical imagination to a vast computer model of the world 's climate .


  17. Consequently , the thermally generated particles cause many droplets to form into the cloud , which is then detected by the measuring system of the Cloud Chamber .
